Friday, May 18, 2007

Fill in the blanks

Simple. Each question consists of a group of words or terms, which are all connected. (either by a common theme, or by the fact that they belong to a special series) You have to fill in the blanks (and give funda, if you feel like it). Most of the questions are very easy, so this should be a high-scoring quiz.

Give your answers in the comments to this post. Encrypt using rot13 ( please. Answers in a week.

Example :

1. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, _______

Answer : Ringo Starr, of course.

2. _____, ________, Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John W. Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt

Answer : Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin. These are the only people to have walked on the moon.
Michael Jackson should also be on this list <\daya joke>

Questions :

1. Paspoli, Tirandaz, ______
(Hint : these are names of villages in Mumbai)

2. Sigma 6, The Meggadeaths, The Architectural Abdabs, The Screaming Abdabs, The Abdabs, Tea set, ____________

3. 1994 : Michel Preud'homme, 1998 : Fabien Bartez, 2002 : Oliver Kahn, _________

4. Jordan-Ford, Benetton, ___________

5. James Dougherty, ________, Arthur Miller

6. Kosciusko, Vinson Massif, Elbrus, Kilimanjaro, McKinley, Aconcagua, ______

7. Servant of God, Venerable, Blessed, __________

8. Paris, London, Stockholm, Los Angeles, ___________

9. Phani Burma, PC Barua, Nageshwara Rao, Dilip Kumar, _________

# 1845 - Useful and Instructive Poetry
# 1848 - The Rectory Magazine
# 1850-1853 - The Rectory Umbrella
# 1855-1862 - Mischmasch
# 1856-1857 - The Train
# 1858 - The Fifth Book of Euclid Treated Algebraically
# 1860 - A Syllabus of Plane Algebraic Geometry, Systematically Aranged with Formal Definitions, Postulates, and Axioms
# 1860 - Notes on the First Two Books of Euclid, Designed for Candidates for Responsions
# 1865 - _________________________
# 1866 - Condensation of Determinants, Being a New and Brief Method for Computing their Arithmetic Values
# 1867 - Russian Journal
# 1867 - An Elementary Treatise on Determinants with their Application to Simultaneous Linear Equations and Algebraic Geometry
# 1867 - Bruno's Revenge
# 1868 - The Fifth Book of Euclid Treated Algebraically, so far as it Relates to Commensurable Magnitudes
# 1869 - Phantasmagoria and Other Poems
# 1872 - _________________________
# 1873 - The Enunciations of Euclid I-VI, Together with Questions on the Definitions, Postulates, Axioms, &c.
# 1873 - The Vision of the Three T's
# 1876 - The Hunting of the Snark
# 1879 - Euclid and His Modern Rivals
# 1882 - Euclid, Books I, II
# 1883 - Rhyme? and Reason?
# 1885 - Supplement to Euclid and His Modern Rivals
# 1885 - A Tangled Tale
# 1886 - The Game of Logic
# 1889 - Sylvie and Bruno
# 1893 - Sylvie and Bruno Concluded
# 1896 - Symbolic Logic, Part I
# 1898 - Three Sunsets and Other Poems

- Vaibhav.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

appena due domande

1. An excerpt from the diaries of a reporter of the newspaper Dawn: When I last met him on September 30, 1971, he was full of beans. He thumped his thighs in his characteristic manner and said: "You just wait and see that I am going to make it to Calcutta one day..." He did indeed live up to his words, and made it to Calcutta less than three months later, but only as a prisoner of war.

Who is the person who uttered these lines which the reporter highlights. Very workable...please don't google or wiki...the date is a big clue...the first name that comes to ur mind is probably the answer.

2. The name of which famous computer language when spoken in the correct way is also a musical note. Again quite workable...and since recently there is more than one language that can be an answer to this question. Anyways,I prefer the most common one.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

a few arbit questions

1. Connect Direction Software Solutions,Tijarat Impex and Estee Lauder, the cosmetics company.

2. Give funda of the following route: Moon-Earth-Circumnavigate the Earth-Go below the Sea-Circumnavigate the Earth from below the oceans-Go to the centre of the Earth and out the other side

3.In whose stories can you find the character Clovis Sangrail, named because he was so 'appallingly frank'.(Additional points if you can explain the funda of the name).

4.Funda again:


Friday, May 4, 2007


Having shaken myself out of endsem-induced stupor, I came up with these four questions.

Answers in rot13 ( please.

1. The noted American film critic Leonard Maltin is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the shortest movie review, for his review of the 1948 musical 'Isn't it Romantic?'
What did his review consist of?

2. This phrase refers to a large and valuable fictitious diamond which has a flaw (of a particular colour) at its centre. When one zooms in to look closely at the flaw, it takes on the shape of a leaping animal.
Most people think that the phrase actually refers to the personality with whom it is most closely associated. GIve the phrase.

3. Connect; and fill in the two blanks. (which are different)

1869 : the Fisk-Gould Scandal, a financial crisis in the United States
1881 : the Eyemouth Disaster, in which 189 Scottish fishermen lost their lives in a European windstorm
1887 : hanging of four people; connected directly or indirectly with the rally of Haymarket Riot
1889 : the Johnstown Flood, which killed over 2,200 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania
1910 : a campaign outside the British House of Commons of the Women's Social and Political Union the Conciliation Bill failed
1919 : the Battle of George Square, a riot stemming from industrial unrest in Glasgow, Scotland
1921 : the announcement of British transport union leaders not to call for strike action against wage reductions for miners
1929 : ___________________________________
1939 : devastating fires in Australia
1944 : a disastrous attack by the Canadian Black Watch near Woensdrecht during The Battle of the Scheldt
1945 : an air battle over Sunnfjord
1945 : a riot at the Warner Bros. studios stemming from a Confederation of Studio Unions (CSU) strike leading to the eventual breakup of the CSU
1959 : the cancellation of the CF-105 Avro Arrow project by Canadian Prime Minister Diefenbaker leading to the lay off of 30,000 workers
1974 : the Dublin and Monaghan Bombings in the Republic of Ireland
1978 : a massacre of protesters in Iran
1982 : the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands, sparking the Falklands War
1987 : the day an hour-long F4 category tornado ran through the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1993 : _______________________________
2004 : a crackdown in Maldives, Malé (13 Aug) on peaceful protesters

(Clue : Megadeth song/Recent Bollywood movie)

4. In 1839, the British Treasury had announced a certain competition. However, none of the submissions were considered suitable, and the Treasury chose instead to use a profile of Queen Victoria. The head
was engraved by Charles and Fredrick Heath based on a sketch provided by Henry Cole. The background consisted of finely engraved engine turnings.
What is being described?

~ Vaibhav