Tuesday, May 8, 2007

a few arbit questions

1. Connect Direction Software Solutions,Tijarat Impex and Estee Lauder, the cosmetics company.

2. Give funda of the following route: Moon-Earth-Circumnavigate the Earth-Go below the Sea-Circumnavigate the Earth from below the oceans-Go to the centre of the Earth and out the other side

3.In whose stories can you find the character Clovis Sangrail, named because he was so 'appallingly frank'.(Additional points if you can explain the funda of the name).

4.Funda again:



Indian Sociologist said...

1. Neha Anlne bjaf gurfr pbzcnavrf
2. Ner gurl Ina Nyyra enqvngvba orygf be fbzrguvat yvxr gung
3. Fnxv...Urpgbe Uhtu Zhaeb.
4. Sbhaqvat lrnef bs gur erfcrpgvir Rnfg Vaqvn pbzcnavrf.

Vaibhav Devanathan said...

1. qhaab
2. Vf vg gur ebhgr sbyybjrq va 'Gjragl gubhfnaq yrnthrf haqre gur frn'?
3. Fnxv
4. Svefg gevcf bs crbcyr sebz gur erfcrpgvir pbhagevrf gb Vaqvn?

Welcome to the blog btw:-)

Anonymous said...


1.vfag rfgrr ynhqre n choyvp yvzvgrq pbzcnal?


2.lbhe ba gur evtug genpx...

@both of you

obgu bs lbh tbg dhrfgvba 3 evtug, ohg v jnag shaqn bs anzr nyfb


Arjun said...

2. Whyrf Irear'f abiryf? Sebz rnegu gb gur zbba, gjragl gubhfnaq yrnthrf haqre gur frn, Wbhearl gb gur pragre bs gur rnegu, rgp
3. Fnxv

could not get the others.

Indian Sociologist said...

please post the answers dude

Anirudh Patil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

sorry for the late post
the answers are:

1.Gur Anlne-Uheyrl nssnve. Neha Anlne bjaf Qverpgvba Fbsgjner, uvf zbgure Thaane bjaf Gvwneng, naq Yvm Uheyrl jnf gur snpr bs Rfgrr Ynhqre sbe n ybat gvzr.

2.Whyrf Irear'f obbxf.Sebz gur Rnegu gb gur Zbba,Nebhaq gur jbeyq va 80 qnlf,20000 Yrnthrf haqre gur Frn,Wbhearl gb gur Prager bs gur Rnegu

3.Fnxv.Pybivf jnf gur ynfg bs gur Zrebivatvna xvatf,fhccbfrq gb or qrfpraqrq sebz Puevfg.Urapr 'Fnatenvy'.Ur jnf n Senax xvat.

4.Gur qngrf bs gur frggvat hc bs gur Rnfg Vaqvn Pbzcnavrf
