Thursday, August 21, 2008

I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here

1> IN late 2004, UK’s Total Film Magazine announced the results of their Best Movie Villain 2004 poll, where 10,000 movie fans voted and an unusual No.1 was chosen. Who?

2> Inspired by many critic’s complaints about the accents of the characters in his second movie, this director decided to counter the criticisms by creating a character that not only couldn’t be understood by the audience but the also couldn’t be understood by characters in the movie. Which movie and what character?


maximus said...

1. irel bja ohfu
2. fbzr thl evgpuvr zbivr.....

mg said...

1. Trbetr J. Ohfu

Anonymous said...

1.George W. Bush for his role in Fahrenheit 9/11
2.The character is Mickey the Gypsy played by Brad Pitt in Snatch

Anonymous said...

1.Gur Wbxre(Ongzna)
2.Oenq Cvgg'f Zvpxl B'Arvy sebz Thl Evgpuvr'f Fangpu